Master's project summary
"Design and bioinspiration: perception of assistive technologies in a stigmatized context"

The design approach as a language has been much explored in the field of project proposals, mainly in the context of the value perception and behavior of people who coexist in a stigmatized social scenario. Therefore, the main objective of this dissertation was to discuss the relationship between bio-inspired design and value perception in the context of social stigmas intrinsic to the universe of assistive technologies. In theoretical discussion and through an applied study, it was possible to elucidate a little more about how this happens and how this group of people suffers the consequences of social stigma. As a theoretical basis, discussions about the social meaning of objects and their relationship with social stigmas were listed, as well as the relationship of these stigmas with the universe of assistive technologies. In addition, some discussions on the approach of bio-inspired design and its possible connections with the theme of value perception of consumer goods were also elaborated. With the intention of investigating the practical discussions consequences, an applied study was carried out that involved the development of a bio-inspired assistive technology, in this case, a cane manufactured through 3D printing. Finally, an analysis was carried out, through the application of semi-structured questionnaires, with patients and health professionals from the Ambulatório Ciências Médicas, located at the Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas Gerais. The patients in question are part of the population of people affected by stroke and are mostly elderly. As a result of research and in response to its objectives, evidence was observed that, when aware of the use of the bio-inspired design on the cane, patients were more comfortable with the use of the object. Meanwhile, for those unaware of bioinspiration, greater resistance to use and a reinforcement of their social stigmas were observed. This work is part of the research project Design and Inclusion: development of inclusive assistive technologies. FAPEMIG Notice No. 001/2021 — UNIVERSAL DEMAND.
3D scan and modeling
Master's supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anderson Horta
Escola de Design da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Conclusion: 2023
Research Group: Design e Representações Sociais
Funding: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)
Support: Ambulatório Ciências Médicas da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas

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